● R E S T A U R A N T ● B A R ● P E T - F R I E N D L Y ●
Kitchen Opening Times
Monday - Sunday

That’s right! We have all sorts of entertainment for all audiences! Party on a Saturday or bingo on a Tuesday. Come Down and join in!
Available Monday – Sunday

Our Menu
Our food menus are filled with all of the classic dishes you know and love! And whether you are a meat lover or a vegan, we have got you covered!
Available Monday – Sunday


Bubbles, Wine and beautifully crafted beer, we have the perfect drink for you.
Available Monday – Sunday

We have something to suit everyone’s tastes and a fancy roast dinner every Sunday hand made by our amazing chef!
Available Monday – Sunday

It’s time to dress up, grab your friends and head down to The Wellington Arms for a perfect night out that you’ll never forget, whatever the occasion!
Available Monday – Sunday